Max TCP Connections for ESP32 AP mode

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Max TCP Connections for ESP32 AP mode

Postby timboesp » Fri May 03, 2019 5:54 pm


I've reviewed all posts I can find on this subject and have tried to incorporate suggestions but no joy.

My goal is to setup an APSTA configuration (re NAT Router ESP32 below) that will support up to 16 connections. The max I've achieved is 8. Here are the kind of changes I've no avail:

2) wifi_config_t ap_config = {
.ap = {
.ssid = ESP_AP_SSID,
.channel = 0,
.authmode = WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PSK,
.password = ESP_AP_PASS,
.ssid_hidden = 0,
.max_connection = 16, <===
.beacon_interval = 100
3) changes to sdkconfig that should affect max connections

These changes have NOT resulted in connections greater than 8.

Any suggestions how I can get a larger number of connections, ideally 16.??


I need to connect an array of 16 ESP32's "nodes" to my http server via my verizon "puck". But the puck has a 10 connection limit.
So I found solution for programming an ESP32 as NAT router that would serve as an AP for the 16 nodes and it would STA connect
to verizon puck. All is good except I can't get more than 8 nodes to connect to NAT router.

Your help would be appreciated...thanks

ESP-IDF v3.3-beta2-60-g86c9b6354-dirty
HW: ESP32 DevKitV1

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