spi flash fat write slow cause esp_timer: timer queue overflow

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spi flash fat write slow cause esp_timer: timer queue overflow

Postby snahmad75 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:23 pm


I am using this code to mount SPI flash Fat.

Code: Select all

esp_vfs_fat_mount_config_t mountConfig = { 0, true, CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE };
mountConfig.max_files = 3;
mountConfig.format_if_mount_failed = true;
mountConfig.allocation_unit_size = CONFIG_WL_SECTOR_SIZE;

ESP_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "FATFS_VFS::mount(%s,%s)", m_mountPath.c_str(), m_partitionName.c_str());
esp_vfs_fat_spiflash_mount(m_mountPath.c_str(), m_partitionName.c_str(), &mountConfig, &m_wl_handle);
FILE* file = fopen("a.txt", "w");
fwrite("...." ... )

fwrite is taking long time. it causes esp_timer: timer queue overflow


SD card fopen and fwrite is good. no issues.

Any idea why?


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