Core-0 Time for a particular Task

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Core-0 Time for a particular Task

Postby meakash » Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:27 am

So, I have defined a core 0 task with
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(MotorCurrent_TaskCode, "MotorCurrent_Task", 2000, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &MotorCurrent_Task, 0);

and I have made sure with the .ini file that everything runs on core-1, as I also have BLE in the code (I checked, notify does use Core-1 in BLECharacteristic.cpp and other library files )


void MotorCurrent_TaskCode(void *pvParameters)
esp_timer_handle_t timer = NULL;
uint64_t startTime, endTime;
uint64_t executionTimeMicros;

esp_timer_create_args_t timer_config = {
.callback = NULL,
.name = "task_timer"
esp_timer_create(&timer_config, &timer);

for (;;)
startTime = esp_timer_get_time();
endTime = esp_timer_get_time();

executionTimeMicros = endTime - startTime;
Serial.printf("Core 0 Execution Time: %llu microseconds\n", executionTimeMicros);

Now, the Output,

What I am trying to find is, why this difference in the Execution Time

This is a very time sensitive task, I have a window of 4 ms and I need to take maximum samples of Motor Current.

This time data is when the Motor was not running, so it will just check the if loop and exit is what I believe

please help me with wherever I am wrong

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