ESP32-S3 Arduino ANCS Bluetooth Libraries broken?

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ESP32-S3 Arduino ANCS Bluetooth Libraries broken?

Postby Byterunn3r » Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:31 pm

Please correct me in case, i am new here.
i currently have a problem with my esp32-s3 board. i am trying to use it as a bluetooth device to get ANCS messages from my iPhone to it and print them on the serial console of the arduino ide. But no matter how I try, i cant get it to work. I tried multiple libraries such as esp32-ancs-notifications from James Hudson and some other from S-March. The occuring problem is a disconnect from bluetooth from said iPhone and no shown notifications.
I am not experienced with the topic and therefore writing here, if anyone knows how to fix that, i would be really glad.
I also tried to contact the developer of the library but it seems like there hasnt been any activity for over a year to multiple problems, some of them similar than mine.

I wish you a great day,

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